Facts & Figures

Thermoplastics by the Numbers

Governmental Regulations

The United States automotive industry has set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving vehicle fuel economy. Target levels for CO2 emissions are 163 grams/mile Co2 with cars achieving 54.5 miles per gallon (mpg) by 2025.

U.S. goals in fuel economy

The Facts and Figures Driving the Success of Thermoplastics:

How Lightweighting Makes a Difference

  • Reducing a vehicle’s weight by 10% can improve the fuel economy by approximately 6 -8%
  • Every 10kg eliminated from the total vehicle weight results in approximately 1.6 g/mile CO2 saved
  • Approximately 36% of fuel savings come from weight reduction

Goals for Automotive Manufacturers

  • The average car weight should be reduced by around 28% in the upcoming years
  • The per-car weight reduction will be 400kg

The Future Is Lightweight

All signs indicate that from now on, newly-designed vehicles will be considerably lighter than the vehicles of today. Manna is uniquely positioned to conquer the challenge of vehicle lightweighting for both combustion engines as well as electric cars, thanks to its years of experience helping automotive manufacturers transition from metal to innovative thermoplastic composite materials.